Page 11 - Sms Marmara Group Bitki Kataloğu
P. 11
In SMS Marmara Group nurseries, each year above 5.000.000 pieces Meanwhile our Showroom area has reached 36.500 m together with
of ornamental plants are being propagating and marketing; as Decidi- shrub propagation section. We gladly would like to state that within
ous Plants, Conifers, Semi-Trees, Bonzai Species, Shrubs, Climbing the last 6 years hundreds of containers has been exported especially
Species, Herbaceous and Reed Species, Fruit Trees and other exot- to the Gulf countries and hope to increase that amount more and more
ics. Beside these activities, landscape design, application and care every year. Meanwhile our company is making landscaping projects
services, biological pond applications, cellular filling systems also and applications worldwide, too. We give guaranty for our products
among the Works of SMS Marmara Group. in the highest standards and offer a service that satisfies the require-
Subbranches of SMS Marmara Group that involved these concepts are ments of discerning customers like Municipal Corporation, Govern-
follows: ment projects, Nurseries, Wholesalers, Landscapers and Garden
centers. From seedling to adult plant, every stages of propagation are
Sakarya Arboriculture and Greenhouse Inc. Co. The company produce under the control of our experienced engineers. We make all neces-
high quality and diverse ornamental plant species in several provinc- sary care operations to propagate high standard plants. We invite you
es of Turkey which have pionering statue in the ornamental plant sec- as our guests in order to see our Nurseries with our hospitality
tor. The company, in total 130 hectars of fields; produces big decidious
& evergreen trees and special formed plants in Sakarya/city center; Marmara Arboriculture and Greenhouse Inc. Co. In 1996, the company
decidious trees and cold-resist conifers in Sakarya/Pamukova; flow- entered into contracting, in a short period, by doing successful works,
ering plants and tropic plants in İzmir/Ödemiş. In all our nurseries and the company has an important share and place in ornamental plant
greenhouses, our company produce plant material by using appropri- sector of Turkey. Marmara Fidancılık has established Pamukova
ate technology and equipments. Nursery where applied modern technology in plant production in 1999.
Continues to be the driving force of the sector in Turkey by managing
Sakarya Botanic Inc. Co. Sakarya Botanic Inc. Co. is one of group com- large-scale projects in home and abroad. Marmara Fidancılık com-
pany works on potting, preparing, exporting, sales and marketing of pany of SMS Marmara Group, also incorporating lots of services as;
plants which produced in field of Sakarya Arboriculture and Green- landscape design, application and maintenance, irrigation services
house Inc. Co.). Sakarya Botanik has an developed nursery occupat- and cellular filling systems etc.
ing of 17 hectars of space. The investment is the biggest and high
technologic nursery of Turkey. As a 12.500m greenhouses, 1.500 m 2 Marmara international is established in Dubai (United Arab Emirares),
closed potting area, 6.500m shadow field, automatic irrigation sys- won the right to host the World Expo in Dubai in 2020. This will be the
tem, plant protection measures etc. all kinds of modern equipment are first time that the World Expo is staged in the Middle East. Dubai Expo
exist with in the company. Sakarya Botanik continues to be the largest 2020 is expected to attract 25 million visitors, 70 per cent of which will
plant exporter company of Turkey, with yearly above 2.000.000 pieces be from overseas. According to 2020 Expo, Dubai became a center of
of potted plants circulating from production to sale in nursery. investment and construction will be increased day by day until expo
The Antalya Ornamental Plants Inc.Co.(Antalya Süs Bitkileri A.Ş) is es-
tablished in Antalya, a city in the south part of Turkey. Marsa Structure Landscaping Construction Limited Trade Company
The main aim of our Company is to be a powerful, reliable and per- was manufactured in 2012 a company belonging to (SMS Marmara
manent plant nursery which propagates Tropical and Mediterranean Group) as a locomotive firm. Mainly working on Landscaping and con-
plants for the Mediterranean, Gulf and the Middle East regions . Less tracting in the public and private sectors.
than 6 years 200.000 standart trees planted in area of 450.000 m .
150.000 soil free trees are growing in pots, in area of 410.000 m . 13