Page 13 - Sms Marmara Group Bitki Kataloğu
P. 13
In nursery of Sakarya Botanic Inc. Co. Following types of exporter company of Turkey, with yearly above 2.000.000
plants are being propagating and sale in pots; Decidious pieces of potted plants circulating from production to sale
Plants, Conifers, Semi-Trees, Bonzai Species, Shrubs, Climb- in nursery. We are working with experienced engineers and
ing Species, Herbaceous and Reed Species, Palm Species, other skillfull staffs expecially specialized on ornamental
Fruit Trees and other exotics. plant breeding. However serving to vocational eductaion by
Aim of establishment; taking plants which prepared in 130 coperating with education references of industry.
hectars field of Sakarya Fidancılık A.Ş.( Sakarya Arboriculture With in domestic and abroad landscape projects and imple-
and Greenhouse Inc. Co.). as semi-product and preparing mentations, also Sakarya Botanic Inc. Co. already continues
them according to their species and varieties, firstly meet the large-scaled exportations and landscape projects in Middle-
needs of SMS Marmara Group and marketting in domestic and Asia, Middle-East and Caucaus Republics.
abroad market. By this aim, a 12.500m greenhouses, 1.500
m closed potting area, 6.500m shadow field, automatic ir-
rigation system, plant protection measures etc. all kinds of
equipment are exist with in the company.
Sakarya Botanic Inc. Co. continues to be the largest plant